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Healthy energised employees create a positive productive work environment



Your employees are the infrastructure and framework that keeps your business operating, look after them today and build a more productive and successful future for tomorrow.  I work with companies to design and deliver face to face or online nutrition and lifestyle workshops and programmes that are a best fit for their business and the challenges they face.  My approach is to provide your employees with the tools they need to make lasting improvements to their health and wellbeing.


Employee wellness programmes range from lunch and learn talks, drop-in clinics for mini consultations, group workshops and one-to-one health coaching sessions either face to face or online.

Social Gathering

Popular workshop and talks include:

Impact of food on mood 

Supporting immunity

Weight management – how to lose weight healthily and keep it off

Eat to increase energy

Nutrition for stress management

Eat well for optimum health

Women’s health and Nutrition

Men’s health and nutrition

Image by Campaign Creators

The cost of employee wellness is an investment that pays off in many ways including:

  • Reduced illness and absenteeism

  • Increased morale and increased performances

  • Greater resilience to stress

  • Employees become healthier, happier and more focused

  • Improved employee retention

  • To be seen as a company who cares to invest in their employees

  • Improvement in overall health of staff e.g lower blood pressure, weight loss, reduce cholesterol, reduced stress, increase in energy levels, better concentration

Call or email me to see how my wellness workshops and programmes can benefit your business

+353 (0) 877817704

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